At just under £30, the G7th is a very expensive capo! I bought mine from HW Audio, Bolton and was told, the only problem with the G7th would be if it's ever lost or stolen, you'll be gutted and i would definitely agree!
I owned & gigged the G7th capo for 14 months before the clasping mechanism gave-way and it broke! Absolutely amazing customer service and 3 days after my original email, i received a replacement capo!

My brand new capo arrived and only took 3 days to arrive, from my original contact with Simon to it being on my doorstep! Very impressed and i now own two G7th Capo's, when the first broke i immediately went out and bought another!
Easy to use, one hand fastening, looks great and good quality!

My new G7th Capo -
Nick Campling - G7th Inventor